18.    Artymowicz, D.M., Andrei, C., Huang, J., Miles, J., Cook, W.G., Botton, G.A. and Newman, R.C., Preliminary study of oxidation mechanisms of high Cr Steels in SCW, 2nd Canada-China Workshop on Supercritical Water Reactors, Toronto, Canada, April 2010.

19.    Hui, R., Xie, Y., Sun, C.,, Yao, P., Zhang, Y., Cook, W. and Miles, J., Development of Ceramic Coatings for Metallic Components in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors, 2nd Canada-China Workshop on Supercritical Water Reactors, Toronto, Canada, April 2010.

20.    Cook, W and Fatoux, W., A CANDU-SCWR with a Steam Generator: Thermodynamic Assessment and Estimation of Fouling Rates, 4th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors March 8-11, 2009, Heidelberg, Germany.

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